
Jervis Tetch aka Mad Hatter

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

BTAS-Mad Hatter in Make'em laugh

Okay two things...Mad Hatter is on a boat with Brunce Wyane.Then Hatter dress up as Batman.Then Brunce Wyane pulls the mask off him & its Mad Hatter who thikns its funny to do that to someone.Very funny Mad Hatter.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Animal Act

The New Batman Adventures:Animal Act Batman & Nightwing .vs.Mad Hatter

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mad Hatter(BTAS) .VS.Mad Hatter(TNBAS)

Okay everybody lets face it...There is a different between these 2 mad hatters.
Lets compare them.Mad Hatter from batman the animted series:Tall,Blue coat,yellow hair,yellow teeth,sky blue pants,& size
Mad Hatter form the new batman adventures:small,green coat/froset green,gray hair blues eyes,black pants,& size.I give mad hatter from the new batman adventures alots of stars.Mad Hatter from batman the animted series 0 stars.

Monday, May 16, 2011

inviewing mad hatter

clarebell:inview # 1.I am inviewing jervis tetch aka mad hatter in arkham seems dr.arkham has no guts to inview this small man.Hello Hatter.
Mad Hatter:HeLlO mY dEaR.
clarebell:inview # 2.Hatter likes to say hello to other people.But the thing is he's starting to like me...because he is whistling.So Hatter...when you yonug why did you love alice adventures in wonderland & looking thought the looking glass?
mad hatter:WeLl Dr.BeLl...WhEn I wAs YoUnG i StArTeD tO rEaD aLiCe AdVeNtUrEs In WoNdErLaNd & LoOkInG tHoUgHt ThE lOoKiNg GlAsS bEcAuSe I wAs In LoVe WiTh My DaRlInG aLiCe.
clarebell:inview # 3.I think he took his hat off...I hope to god he doesn't have sex with like that last one did.
mad hatter:*WhIsLe*HaS aNyBoDy HaVe ToLd YoU tHaT yOuR pReTtY?
Clarebell:Why thank you Hatter*Laugh*Hatter when you little while going to school what is the most thing in the world you wanted to be when you grew up?
mad hatter:A sCiEnCeSt.
clarebell:What are doing Hatter?
mad hatter:I'm GoInG tO hAvE sEx WiTh YoU.bEcAuSe YoUr So PrEtTy To Me.CaN I hAvE sEx WiTh YoU?
clarebell:Sure Hatter.
Mad Hatter:Oh YeAh PuT iT rIgHt ThErE.ThAtS wHaT i'M tAlKiNg AbOuT.
Clarebell:This amzoning to me.Your soooooooooooooooo cute Hatter.
Mad Hatter:I kNoW mY dEaRlY dArLiNg!

Mad Hatter(Short version) .VS.Mad Hatter(Tall version)

I like the short version of jervis tetch aka mad hatter.But not the tall just doesn't look right.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Inviewing Jervis Tetch aka Mad Hatter

Dr.Arkham:I'm here to talk to Mr.Tetch.But it seems he's completly mad!Inview:1
Mad Hatter:HeLlO mY dEaR.
Dr.Arkham:Hello Jervis.So Jervis...I heard when you were young you were obessed with alice adventures in wonderland when you we're little.Is that ture?
Mad Hatter:YeS iT tUrE.wHeN i WaS lItTlE i WaS oBeSsEd WiTh LeWiS cArRoLl AlIcE aDvEnTuReS iN wOnDeRlAnD & lOoKiNg ThOuGhT tHe LoOkInG gLaSs.
Dr.Arkham:You adbucted little girls & you drug them to brianwash them to make into Alice?
Mad Hatter:YeS mY dArLiNg!
Dr.Arkham:Inview # 2.He seem to me uses drugs to brianwashes young girls to be Alice.So Jervis why are dress up as the mad hatter?
Mad Hatter:WhEn I iNvEnTeD tHe MiNd CoNtRoL cHiP tO pUt In My HeAd GeAr aS iN hAtS tO mInD cOnTrOl My ViCtUiMs To CoMmInT aNy CrImE i WiSh.
Dr.Arkahm:So when Batman takes you down & puts you here to cure your obession with alice adventures in wonderland why is that?
Mad Hatter:BeCaUsE i Am PoWeRfUl In WoNdErLaNd.
Dr.Arkham:Inview # 3.Jervis is crazy started to like.Because he thikns I'm his Alice.But thats not going happen.Because I know Dr.Bell is next to inview him.
Dr.Arkham:Jervis you used to work at wayne interprise until you met a girl named alice.Why did you fall in love with Alice?
Mad Hatter:I kNeW tHaT aLiCe Is FrOm ThE bOoK cAlLeD aLiCe AdVeNtUrEs In WoNdErLaNd...& mY dArLiNg AlIcE wAs My SeCtEcHtAiLeR.
Dr.Arkham:You shoulda recespt her wishes & left her alone.
Mad Hatter:I wOuLd KiLl HeR fOr It!
Dr.Arkham:Inview # 4 last inview.Mr.Tetch did not leave poor Alice alone.The name Alice is very dangerous around him.
Dr.Arkahm:So Mr.Tetch when ever are going to get cure from your obession?
Mad Hatter:NeVeR.nOt UnTiL bAtMaN gIvEs Me HiS cOwL tHaT hE wEaRs At NiGhT.