
Jervis Tetch aka Mad Hatter

Monday, May 16, 2011

inviewing mad hatter

clarebell:inview # 1.I am inviewing jervis tetch aka mad hatter in arkham seems dr.arkham has no guts to inview this small man.Hello Hatter.
Mad Hatter:HeLlO mY dEaR.
clarebell:inview # 2.Hatter likes to say hello to other people.But the thing is he's starting to like me...because he is whistling.So Hatter...when you yonug why did you love alice adventures in wonderland & looking thought the looking glass?
mad hatter:WeLl Dr.BeLl...WhEn I wAs YoUnG i StArTeD tO rEaD aLiCe AdVeNtUrEs In WoNdErLaNd & LoOkInG tHoUgHt ThE lOoKiNg GlAsS bEcAuSe I wAs In LoVe WiTh My DaRlInG aLiCe.
clarebell:inview # 3.I think he took his hat off...I hope to god he doesn't have sex with like that last one did.
mad hatter:*WhIsLe*HaS aNyBoDy HaVe ToLd YoU tHaT yOuR pReTtY?
Clarebell:Why thank you Hatter*Laugh*Hatter when you little while going to school what is the most thing in the world you wanted to be when you grew up?
mad hatter:A sCiEnCeSt.
clarebell:What are doing Hatter?
mad hatter:I'm GoInG tO hAvE sEx WiTh YoU.bEcAuSe YoUr So PrEtTy To Me.CaN I hAvE sEx WiTh YoU?
clarebell:Sure Hatter.
Mad Hatter:Oh YeAh PuT iT rIgHt ThErE.ThAtS wHaT i'M tAlKiNg AbOuT.
Clarebell:This amzoning to me.Your soooooooooooooooo cute Hatter.
Mad Hatter:I kNoW mY dEaRlY dArLiNg!

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